Incoming students

Welcome to UMBC!

If you are a new UMBC student already admitted for the fall semester, you can get a jump start in summer session. You are already eligible to enroll.

To take a summer session course, complete the Summer Session Interest Form.  Within 48 hours, a staff member from Academic Engagement & Transition Programs (AETP) will contact you to discuss your summer schedule and provide registration assistance.

Dawg Days: Jumpstart Summer Bridge Program

All new incoming students who plan to enroll in summer session are highly encouraged to participate in UMBC’s Jumpstart Summer Bridge program.  You’ll earn required math, English or general education credits and participate in individualized tutoring and advising support that continues through your first year.  Get familiar with the campus and connect with faculty, staff, and other new UMBC students this summer.

The six-week Jumpstart Summer Bridge program begins in early July. Residential and commuter options are available. For more information visit the Summer Bridge website.