Applying after the deadline
Late admission
Applications are processed within 2-3 business days. While the university attempts to accommodate late applicants, applications submitted after the deadline might not be processed before the session begins.
Application fee payment
Please be aware that application fees paid by check (rather than credit card) are subject to a six business day verification period and will cause a further processing delay for your application.
Registration constraints
Students who apply after the posted admission deadlines should be aware of the following registration constraints.
- You must have a valid campus ID to register in summer courses. A campus ID is assigned once a student is successfully admitted.
- You must be officially admitted and registered before you are permitted to attend or participate in courses.
- The Schedule Adjustment Period enables students to add classes during the first four days of the session. However, instructors reserve the right to deny registration in classes that have already met. Check with the instructor before adding a new course to ensure that you can make up any missed class time.
- If you attempt to enroll in a course with prerequisite requirements, you will initially be blocked from registering. You must provide an unofficial transcript to verify that you have met the course prerequisite requirements at your home institution.
- A $20 late registration fee is charged when enrolling on the first day of the session or anytime thereafter.
- After the first day of the session, students who drop courses are responsible for paying a pro-rated percentage of tuition and fees. See the Refund Policy for more information.
- Requests to enroll after the Schedule Adjustment Period are only granted in rare and extenuating circumstances. Students who request a registration exception must submit a Late Add Petition to UMBC’s Office of Academic Standards & Policy Administration.